


Surgical Technologists fill a critical role in hospitals and clinics. 通常被称为外科手术或磨砂技术, this skilled professional individual helps ensure that procedures go smoothly by prepping the room, 将器械交给外科医生, and transporting patients to and from the operating room.

Training for this job requires certification and often an associate degree or more. 准备, 学生们选修解剖学课程, 生物学, 医学术语, in addition to getting hands on training working in supervised clinical settings. 而必要的技能是可以学习的, there are several key personality traits that can help you excel in this position. 

To determine if becoming a 外科手术技术 is the right step for you, 考虑这些理想的特性.

1. 你是一个团队合作者

Surgical technologists work alongside several other 医疗专业人员 during procedures, 包括外科医生, 护士, 麻醉医师, 和放射科医生. These professionals will be dependent on your ability to efficiently collaborate with others. Team players need to listen to instructions and respond quickly and accurately to requests.

2. 你注重细节

You will be responsible for setting up the operating room for surgery and ensuring all the necessary tools are ready. To be effective, you must have a keen attention to detail. You will need to pay close attention to the surgeon's actions and instructions. Good 外科手术技术s will be able to anticipate what the surgeon will need before they even ask. While this skill will be developed with experience, being alert to one’s surroundings and thinking about what could happen next can help you become an asset on the surgical team.

3. 你在压力下工作得很好

The operating room can be a stressful place, particularly when life-or-death situations arise. Responding with frustration or fear when you are under stress can negatively impact the patient’s outcome. Surgical techs need to be able to remain calm when they are feeling pressured. This requires the ability to keep emotions in check and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

4. 你的手很稳

在手术过程中, you will be asked to pass instruments to a surgeon and retract them when they are no longer needed. To do the job, you must maintain a strong focus and have steady hands. It is important to keep your nerves in check as they can impact your ability to be precise with your movements.

5. 你的胃很强壮

As you might imagine, procedures in an operating room can be graphic. If the sight of blood makes you ill, this may not be the right job for you. 而不是, good 外科手术技术s are fascinated by operations and can witness procedures without feeling faint or becoming nauseous.

6. 你有良好的沟通技巧

在手术过程中, you must be able to communicate clearly with the surgeon, understanding what they are saying and concisely answering questions. Misunderstandings can lead to dangerous complications. Surgical technologists also need to be able to communicate well with patients and their families. Since you will be transporting patients to and from the operating room, 他们可能会问问题, and you need to know how to interact with them with care.

7. 你有耐力和耐心

有些手术可以持续几个小时, and you will be required to stay on your feet and pay attention for the duration of the procedure. +, surgical techs may get called into emergencies where they are needed to work long shifts without breaks. 要想成功, 你需要保持你的注意力, keeping your mind on the situation instead of your own physical or mental fatigue.

If a 外科手术技术's role sounds appealing and like a fit for you, Fortis can help you prepare for this meaningful career. The program is available at many campus locations across the country. 要了解更多信息, 请访问我们的网站